Chris Lang Photography

Photography Styles

My Style

I would not consider myself any one style of photographer. I shoot multiple venues from documentary to lifestyle to commercial. I am always experimenting & exploring new creative ideas in image. Whether a PGA Tour event, corporate client, wedding, or family portrait session, everyone has different needs and expects a professional product. Having diverse cliental keeps my creative forge fresh.

As an image maker, I create both in camera and in post production with digital design. I follow my own style, my own ideas and shoot each session as if it were a blank canvas. I create art and commercial image that is unique to each client. Most of the time, I make it up as I go and shoot from the hip.

Photography is an art and every photographer has their own artistic style. The one thing I love about being a creative professional is that I am not bound by any one look or style. If you browse my website and even my wedding website you will see that there is no one single style. A big reason is that I like a lot of different styles of photography and presentation of those styles. I have such a diverse set of clients that I can shoot for a conservative company brand and then create a out of the box album cover for a music artist.

My photography does not have to look a certain way. This allows me to work with a very diverse set of clients and personalities. This creative flexibility adapts to diverse client needs. I like when people come to me for ideas and let me run with it. So I am not any one style but more a blend. A big part of photography when working with people is connecting with them in front of and behind the camera. So instead of cramming you into my style I try and find yours. This is where your personality, your brand shines through.

From the beginnings of photography, photographers have been finding ways to creatively impact their photos to bring a deeper meaning, story, point of time for reflection. Today, the design options are endless. It is intrinsically satisfying when I create images that leave people looking and admiring. I will take the creative edge to your image. When styling a picture, I start from the ground up working with the character, composition and emotion of the picture.

What differs from style to design? Photographic design is the art of communication, stylizing, and creative problem-solving through the use of photography, space, and image. Photographic design is similar to graphic design in that it is an art of stylizing to communicate. Photographic design concentrates solely on the manipulation of the natural elements of in-camera composition. This is achieved through creatively changing one or all of the elements of lines, patterns, textures, depth, symmetry, framing, colors, perspective, background, and contrast that make up the basic components of photographic composition.

Styles shape -iMAGE-

Styles can also be about composition, colors and light. An important step in the image-making process. Photography styles can be simple or complex. From “Black & White Photography” to “Colors” that pop, adding styles can bring a different emotion and connect to a picture. Everyone has a style… What’s Your’s?

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